At our 3rd Partner Meeting of the ResNRJwater project in Den Helder and Texel on 20-21th November 2024, partners, associated organisations and external partners had intensive working sessions and an excellent site visit at the infrastructures of HHNK (wastewater treatment plant, PV plant, battery energy storage system and pumping stations).
The joint activities that have been reported in the first ResNRJwater report have been followed-up and progressedduring the project working group meeting in Den Helder.
A great thanks goes to HHNK for hosting the 3rd project working group meeting of ResNRJwater and to all participants for their engaged preparation and contribution to the meeting.
Day 1 - Wednesday 20th November 2024
After the opening by Elvin Martha from HHNK and Project coordinator Marie-Édith Ploteau from Lippeverband, we discussed different topics within several break out sessions, dealing with multicriteria procedure for a continuous
detection of RES-potentials in regions &
related deliverables or Procedure for creating heat
potential maps & stakeholders
After the opening by Elvin Martha from HHNK and Project coordinator Marie-Édith Ploteau from Lippeverband, we discussed different topics within several break out sessions, dealing with multicriteria procedure for a continuous detection of RES-potentials in regions & related deliverables or Procedure for creating heat potential maps & stakeholders network.

Afternoon day 1
After lunch time in a 2nd and 3rd Break Out Round we´ve been discussing ResNRJwater demonstrators, design,
permit and procurement issues. Furthermore we got some interesting insights by Emschergenossenschaft and Infrawatt representatives who shared their knowledge regarding Capacity building concepts for staff
members and young professionals
in the water and waste water sector.

To conclude our last round of break out sessions academics from the University of galway (IRL) set up a Comparison of the legal frameworks
regarding self-consumption of owngenerated power in the water and waste water sector. And not to forget the setup of a
Blueprint for transforming
existing large wastewater
treatment plants into energy hubs.
Great to count on such enthusiastic and professional partners in the project!
Day 2 Excursion
Together we got on board and crossed the sea from Den Helder to visit a battery storage system at the HHNK run wastewater treatment plant in Texel.