Save the date: Launch conference ResNRJwater

11th June 2024 : 

ResNRJwater launch conference in Essen, DE

The ResNRJwater partnership cordially invites to join the launch event of its project, funded by the Interreg North-West Europe, on Tuesday 11th June 2024 in Essen. 

Hosted by the Lead Partner Lippeverband (LV), the conference will highlight the approach of the ResNRJwater project: Aiming at a resilient energy supply for and from water and wastewater infrastructures. Locally, the European cooperation will support the "Energy 2027" programme at Emschergenossenschaft and Lippeverband.

ResNRJwater tackles the challenge of improving the renewable energy production and consumption mix in North-West Europe by addressing the unexploited potentials of the water and wastewater (w&w) sector in urban and rural areas. 

The launch event will discuss the project approach, present the project action plan and bring the relevant European stakeholders together for joint engagement. An excursion to a waste water treatment plant in the Emscher Lippe area with distinct use of renewable energy sources will showcase this approach on the practical side.

We invite you to save the date in your diary.

On behalf of the ResNRJwater partnership

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