ResNRJwater launch conference: Registration open

On 11 June 2024, the ResNRJwater partnership invites you to the project launch conference in Essen. 

The ResNRJwater kick-off conference will focus on the role of water management for a robust and sustainable energy supply in urban and rural regions. The ResNRJwater partnership cordially invites you to take part.

Get registered for the event: link

The programme is here available for your reading.



Find here the programme for download.

The approach chosen for the European project partnership over the next four years will be presented for discussion. After an introduction to the ResNRJwater partners, objectives and activities, specific framework conditions and existing initiatives of the participating partner regions will be presented. 

During an afternoon excursion to the wastewater treatment plant Bottrop, an advanced model of energy and material flow management at a wastewater treatment plant will be presented: In addition to sewage sludge and sewage gas, solar, wind and hydropower are intelligently combined for climate-friendly energy generation.

The event will be held in English. An internal meeting of the project partners will take place on 12 June 2024 following the conference.